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Submit request
Please check here before submitting your request, if your data is not currently publicly available, you can request it using the ADHS Data Request Submission Form, and ADHS program staff will review and respond to your request. Remember that the purpose of this section is to promote data sharing between ADHS and the community. This is an effort to centralize data requests for all publicly and non-publicly available ADHS data. In the data request form you can provide your contact information and a description of the data you are requesting. Your request will be routed within the agency to a team member who will follow up by email with you regarding your request. In certain instances, granular information can be released for authorized uses as determined by the department and in compliance with federal, state, and local laws/rules.
Data Request Submission Form
Did you know? With identity verification, you can request your personal health record information directly by going to the following sites: