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The Public Health Data Portal (PHDP) is a collection of search and visualization tools which allow users to find public health data published by the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) in one easily accessible place. The available tools can assist users in getting to the data they are searching for in less time.
Information on the Public Health Data Portal (PHDP) landing page is organized into tiles that users can utilize to find the data or resources they are looking for in a short amount of mouse clicks. Each feature box has a description about what information is available within. If users are interested in Geographic Information System (GIS) data, they can open the GIS Open Data Portal to find publicly available maps or applications. If there is a specific report or dashboard of interest, you can click on either of these tools to search alphabetically or filter the list using keywords to find the result of interest. Short descriptions are also available for each record.
The Public Health Data Portal (PHDP) contains several search tools to help users find a variety of data assets published by ADHS. This includes Geographic Information System (GIS) maps/applications, ADHS authored reports, and ADHS dashboards. Additionally, a Data Explorer which will have analytics capabilities based on custom search queries is expected to launch in December 2024 to aid in accessing ADHS data, such as vital statistics. Tools have been implemented to improve the PHDP experience, such as giving users a way to contact an ADHS team member to help request data not found on the PHDP or to suggest a new dataset for the PHDP.
The first place you should look depends on the question and type of data of interest. Review the descriptions below each feature box on the PHDP landing page to identify the right search tool. For example, if you are interested in finding a report or dashboard, click on the respective feature boxes. If you need additional assistance on navigating the PHDP, you can click on the “Contact Us” feature box.
Sometimes local data is not available publicly due to privacy protection rules that prevent disclosing small numbers. These rules aim at preventing the release of protected health information (PHI) and potentially identifiable information (PII). Additionally, current year data may not be available due to data quality assurance procedures that may delay the release of information for public consumption. If you have reviewed the Public Health Data Portal search tools and are still not able to find the local information you are looking for or the most recent year of data, you can click on Public Health Data Assets | Submit Request to get basic instructions for submitting the request. In this form you can provide your contact information and a description of the data you are requesting. Your request will be routed within the agency to a team member who will follow up by email with you regarding your request. In certain instances, granular information can be released for authorized uses as determined by the department and in compliance with federal, state, and local laws/rules.
The PHDP website can be viewed properly on multiple internet browsers, such as Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome. Users can also view the PHDP on any mobile device browser.
The website is hosted by the Arizona Department of Health Services, Business Intelligence Office. If you would like to speak to a PHDP administrator, email [email protected].
If you have reviewed the Public Health Data Portal search tools and are still not able to find the information you are looking for, you can click on Public Health Data Assets | Submit Request to submit your request. In this form you can provide your contact information and a description of the data you are requesting. Your request will be routed within the agency to a team member who will follow up by email with you regarding your request.
The “Suggest Data" feature box is available on the ADHS PHDP landing page. The feature box will route a user to a form where you can provide your contact information, suggestion category, and a detailed description of the suggestion. A PHDP team member will follow up with you within a few days by email regarding your request after submission.
The Data Explorer is an upcoming interactive tool which will allow users to query, view, analyze, and download customized ADHS public datasets as maps, charts, and graphs. This tool is expected to launch in December 2024. The Data Explorer is populated by data from the ADHS Data Lake House. This information source contains, but is not limited to birth, death, and hospital discharge records. When appropriate, more datasets will be added in the future to allow for more content areas to be developed for the Data Explorer. One goal of this tool is to become the enterprise/department wide analytics tool that both internal and external partners can use to find publicly available public health data and which is known for having reliable standardized results.