Terms of Use

Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) Public Health Data Portal (PHDP) shares content on multiple social media platforms in addition to this website. This Terms of Use relates to use of ADHS websites, blogs and social media environments.

All comments are screened for content. To ensure a productive discussion you agree to post only comments directly related to the posting on which you are commenting and to refrain from posting threats, obscenity, abusive language, sexually explicit material, and other material that would violate the law if published here.

You agree not to post content that:

  • Contains obscene or threatening language or discrimination (including hate speech) based on race, gender, sex, national origin, age, sexual orientation, religion, or disability;
  • Contains inflammatory, extraneous or off-topic messages designed to elicit an emotional response or that does not contribute to a productive discussion;
  • Promotes services or products (not including non-commercial links that are relevant to the post or comment); or
  • Includes private phone numbers, email addresses, or postal addresses.

Comments containing any content that is not eligible for posting according to this Terms of Use will be removed and the user may be blocked from participation in ADHS social media properties at the discretion of the ADHS Director of Communication.

Comments made by individuals or entities other than the Arizona Department of Health Services are the opinions of those individuals or entities and are not necessarily the views of or endorsed by the Arizona Department of Health Services. For specific health-related recommendations and information explore this website.

We make every effort to moderate all comments in a timely manner. We encourage your participation in the discussion and look forward to an active exchange of ideas.